June Dolphin
For the dedicated Keys offshore angler June is the month to look forward to. It is the month that more large dolphin are taken than any other. There are more opportunities to get that 50 pound plus fish now than any other month of the year.
The Backcountry Is Where it’s At
I wish people would quit looking at me funny when I say that I go both ways. For me it means that I fish both the offshore and inshore waters. And, yes, I am also afflicted with fishing ADD when I am in the back country. We are entering the time of year when the…
Here Come the Big Boys
April is a big fish month. It doesn’t matter if you prefer inshore or off, April heralds the arrival of the big boys. If you are an offshore fan, you know that the largest dolphin start to arrive now. And if you prefer to fish in more protected water you will welcome the arrival of…
Fishing ADD
I have an affliction, I call it fishing ADD. Let me explain. When I am out on a charter, I want to catch them all. I want the grouper, the snapper, the mackerel, the sail fish, the dolphin – all of it.